Last Updated: December 5, 2023

We are committed to full transparency and disclosure in all of our dealings, communications, and promotions. This Full Disclosure Statement is to ensure that all parties engaging with our services have a clear and realistic understanding of what they entail and the factors that influence the outcomes of our services.

Understanding Client Results

Marketing Material and Client Results: Our marketing materials, including testimonials, case studies, and success stories, showcase the highlights of client results achieved through our services. These materials are intended for illustrative purposes only and do not serve as guarantees or promises of similar results for other clients or projects.

Factors Influencing Success: The success of capital raising efforts is influenced by various factors, many of which are outside our control. These include but are not limited to:

Market Conditions: The current state of the market can significantly affect capital raising efforts, including market volatility, investor sentiment, and economic trends.

Deal Sentiment: The attractiveness and perceived potential of the deal to investors.

Founding Team Experience and Track Record: The background, experience, and past successes of the founding team are critical to attracting investment.

Professionalism and Communication Skills: The ability to effectively present and communicate the business case to potential investors.

Business Model and Proposition: The viability, scalability, and uniqueness of the business model and value proposition.

No Guarantee of Results: While we strive to provide the best possible service and guidance, we cannot guarantee specific results or successful capital raises. The variability of external factors and the uniqueness of each project mean that results can vary significantly between clients.

Engagement with Us

Client Responsibilities: Clients engaging with our services are responsible for providing accurate, complete, and timely information about their business and project. Client cooperation, responsiveness, and commitment are crucial to the efficacy of our services.

Our Commitment: We are committed to delivering high-quality advisory and capital raising services, tailored to the unique needs and objectives of each client. We endeavor to apply our expertise, industry knowledge, and resources to assist clients in their capital raising efforts.

Transparency in Communications: All our communications and marketing will be honest, transparent, and aimed at providing clients and potential clients with a clear and accurate understanding of our services, the capital raising process, and the factors influencing success.

This Full Disclosure Statement is part of our commitment to integrity and transparency in all our business practices. If you have any questions or need further clarification regarding this statement or any aspect of our services, please contact us.
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